Year 2 Friday Blog- 13.12.24
Date: 8th Dec 2024 @ 7:19pm
Dear parents,
Welcome to the Year 2 Friday blog!
Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings / times tables and lots more.
Reading - Reading is one of the most important skills for children to master as it unlocks their imagination and allows them to access the rest of the curriculum. Please read with your child every night. Question prompts are provided within reading books, coloured book marks and reading records. Asking questions improves key reading skills, such as retrieval and inference.
Please note that reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and two books will be given to each child to read for the week. Please write a note in your child's reading record book when a book has been completed and sign the relevant parent signature box. Thank you in advance.
Spellings - Please note that there will be no spelling quiz on Thursday 19th December. Please see the common exception word list below if you wish to have a look through the list of spellings for future use.
Times tables - There will be no times tables quiz on Thursday 19th December.
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Our learning this week in Year 2
This week in English, we have been focusing on comprehension skills, revising our knowledge of Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar learned throughout the term, as well as completing our final plans for our persuasive posters.
In our maths lessons this week, we have continued to learn how to tell the time. The children have been using their analogue clocks to tell the time to the hour, half past the hour, and quarter to and past the hour.
During our RE lessons this week, we have been learning that the incarnation is the Christian belief that God took human form by becoming Jesus. The children learned that for Christians, the incarnation shows that Jesus was fully God and fully human. We looked at the following passages from the Bible and offered our suggestions as to the meaning behind them.
The Visit Of The Wise Men - Matthew 2:1-12
Joseph Accepts Jesus As His Son - Matthew 1:18-25
As part of our studies of Incarnation, we also looked at Botticelli's Mystic Nativity painting and thought about the following questions:
Pantomime Trip
We all thoroughly enjoyed our whole school trip to the pantomime to see Cinderella on Tuesday. The children had a great time and were so excited to see the live performance.
PTFA Santa Dash
Thank you to all of the children for taking part in the PTFA Santa Dash.
Monday 16th December: Christingle
On Monday, we will be visiting church to celebrate the Christingle service, which will be led by Years 5 and 6. During the afternoon, we are going to reflect on the meaning of the Christingle and will make our own. Please send your child to school with one orange as the basis for their Christingle (we will provide the other items).
Have a look at our gallery to see some of the photographs taken during our RE lessons this week.
Have a fantastic weekend!
The Year 2 team