I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,’ Philippians 4:13
Ms Lucas leads PSHE throughout school.
PSHE has always been hugely important for me as a teacher and is a subject area I have led in a number of schools I have worked in.
It is an important subject in primary schools because it can give every child and young person an equal opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive now and in the future. It helps pupils to deal with critical issues they face every day such as friendships, emotional wellbeing and change. It can tackle barriers to learning, raise aspirations, and improve the life chances of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils. As well as improving the physical and psychosocial well-being of pupils.
Research shows it has proven benefits to health, wellbeing and academic success.
Ms Lucas

PSHE Curriculum
At Euxton C.E. Primary School we focus on the importance of relationships and the qualities and character needed to sustain the best relationships that honour each other and explore how we can ‘love our neighbour’ through what we say and do, even when we might disagree. The greatest commandment Jesus taught was to love God and to love your neighbour. At Euxton C.E. Primary School, we believe that within this commandment is the foundation of the Christian view of positive and healthy relationships and that we can all SHINE in the light of Jesus. We recognise how important Relationships and Health Education is within the overall context of the curriculum. Relationships Education is the programme of work that forms part of the basic curriculum. It covers all types of relationships including online, peer to peer, family and carer relationships. It also covers respect for others and staying safe. Health Education is a programme of teaching about puberty, physical health and fitness, healthy eating, mental wellbeing, drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Our children are growing up in a world very different to that in which we grew up, Relationships Education and Health Education is vital in order to prepare our pupils for life and work in modern Britain. The Secretary of State from the DfE states: ‘Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.’ Our pupils say Relationships and Health Education is important because “it helps us know right from wrong; be aware of things we might not already know about; know what is legal and illegal, know who your friends really are; make good and better choices; don’t follow the wrong path; if searching on Google you would know if it’s safe or not; don’t fall into online traps; tell others how to avoid making mistakes; who to ask for help and support; if something happens to us, we know how to solve it”. curriculum.

Euxton C.E Primary School enables pupils to develop knowledge, strategies, skills and language and confidence required to behave according to their values in new situations. Safeguarding is paramount and teachers support children to ensure they know how to stay safe in school and outside of school. Our children will develop attributes of resilience, self-esteem, teamwork, critical thinking and risk-management by developing and deepening their understanding of Christian, SMSC and British Values which are threaded through curriculum. We believe that in our Christian family, we all SHINE in the light of Jesus and children at our school focus on learning the values of Wisdom, Compassion, Humility, Friendship, Peace, Trust, Forgiveness, and Hope. Through the development of this policy we wish to display how Relationships and Health Education at Euxton C.E. Primary School contributes to our school’s statutory duties to provide Relationships and Health Education lessons as part of a broad, balanced and creative curriculum.
Parents are consulted on changes in policy and delivery and invited to contribute to any review. Parental consultations will take place every 2 years to inform parents of content delivery as their child moves across key stages.
Our teachers assess the children’s work in Relationships and Health Education by making informal judgements during lessons, giving children feedback, using the 1decision assessment tools and pupil’s self-assessment which they demonstrate by using a purple pen. We have clear expectations of pupil’s knowledge and understanding at the end of each Key Stage. All Key Stage 1&2 children have individual 1decision books where they record their learning and progress. Each class has a floor book for recording RE, Heart Smart and other SMSC evidence. In Reception, the children are assessed by the achievement of the PSED Early Learning Goal by the end of the year.
PSHE focus for this year
Create an Euxton model of assessment (5 checkpoints) which embeds retrieval practices and supports a robust monitoring and assessment cycle.
Show an understanding of own feelings and those of others and regulate their behaviour accordingly.
Effective questioning to promote discussion about the world around them so they can better understand themselves and the context in which they live.
Grandparent’s Christmas Coffee Morning – positive community involvement of the school family.
School choir singing Christmas carols and songs at Euxton library.
New Reception Starters ‘dine with child’ – family involvement and healthy eating.
Christmas Fair – OSC stall to sell homemade items and money management.
Sports Day – healthy body and mind, physical well being.
Visit from Chorley magistrates and local councillor – focus on Democracy.
Class worships – developing commitment, resilience and values, parental involvement.
Charity fundraisers – Odd Socks Day, Children in Need, cake sales for school charity suggestion box Visits from neighbourhood police, Fire service, health professionals.
Sports and Play leaders - Playtime buddies Cultural Days – Chinese New Year, Hindu celebration workshops, Multi Faith Week.
First Aid/Fitness Day: age appropriate 1st Aid training. Fitness for the body through medium of dance. Fitness for the mind with mindfulness activities.