‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,’ Philippians 4:13
Mrs Smith leads Maths throughout the school.
‘I have always had a passion for Maths and have welcomed the opportunity to guide Euxton CE Primary throughout our journey of becoming a Mastery school. Being the Maths Subject Lead has given me the opportunity to become involved with the Abacus North West Maths Hub and the children are now enjoying following a daily programme of Mastering Number sessions. This has equipped our children with the skills to become confident learners, recalling number facts with increased speed and applying their knowledge to other areas of their maths learning. We have also become a research partner of the Observatory for Mathematical Education led by Nottingham University. We are very excited to contribute to research that will inform the future of maths education in England.
My vision is that all children will leave Euxton CE with a love of maths and will have the confidence to tackle mathematical investigations independently.'
Mrs Smith

At Euxton C.E. Primary School we teach a mastery approach to Mathematics, meaning that we provide our pupils with a range of opportunities to develop a deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts. Pupils are taught through whole-class interactive teaching, where the focus is on all pupils working together on the same lesson content at the same time, ensuring that all can master concepts before moving to the next part of the curriculum sequence. We ensure that no pupil is left behind and all pupils are able to shine and fulfil their potential in this subject. Significant time is spent developing deep knowledge of the key ideas that are needed to underpin future learning. We do this by emphasising connections within mathematical concepts, so that pupils develop a deep learning that can be sustained. Mathematics is often taught as a separate subject, yet it contributes to many areas of the Primary curriculum. At Euxton C.E. Primary School we aim to identify these opportunities at the planning stage giving children ways to use maths in real contexts and providing reinforcement and enrichment through additional provision for numeracy in topic lessons - to creative learning settings ranging from Maths Days, Football Maths sessions and practical maths learning in the outdoor environment. Teachers develop pupils’ numeracy and mathematical reasoning in all subjects so that they understand and appreciate the importance of mathematics. Pupils are taught to apply arithmetic fluently to problems, understand and use measures, make estimates and check their work. Pupils are taught to apply their mathematics to both routine and non-routine problems, including breaking down more complex problems into a series of simpler steps.

Children in the EYFS are taught the Early Learning Goals for Mathematics from the ‘Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage,’ which has been effective since September 2021. Planning for this comes from the Lancashire Maths Team’s documents; Sequences of Learning and Learning and Progression Steps. From these documents our team are able to produce a detailed and coherent maths curriculum which is exciting and accessible for all children. Years 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are following the Red Rose Mastery scheme written by the Lancashire Maths Team which incorporates the objectives of the national curriculum within a mastery approach. In Y6 there is an individualised sequence of mastery learning which is supported by the use of LBQ (Learning by Questions) so that all children are working at the right level of pace and challenge. Mastering Number sessions are delivered throughout the school on a daily basis to promote high standards of maths fluency.

Teachers continuously apply assessment for learning. If a pupil fails to grasp a concept or procedure, this is identified quickly and early intervention ensures the pupil is ready to move forward with the whole class in the next lesson. Assessment is also ongoing via the use of children data (termly), book sampling (twice yearly), observations (once year), portfolio evidence (twice yearly), informal chats to pupils, walk-throughs and displays (ongoing) and teacher evaluations of pupil performance against strands of maths (yearly). This ensures standards are being met at the end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2 in relation to the mathematics Early Learning Goal and the mathematics National Curriculum programme of study. All forms of intervention enable a greater proportion of children to be on track to meet year group expectations or in the case of those working significantly below expectations to make better than expected progress. All children in Year 2 and Key Stage 2 have weekly times table tests. The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is taken by children at the end of Year 4 (Summer term). Children in Key Stage 2 will sit statutory end of key stage SAT tests during the summer term. PIVATS and LAPs are used to support progression of SEND children to identify where children are developmentally, with regard to maths, and at times, we need to plan additional materials to meet individual needs.
Focus for this year
Develop and monitor an intervention cycle to close gaps in learning.
To increase the number of children achieving the greater depth standard of achievement in each year group through the development of automaticity of mathematical facts (fluency sessions).
To ensure that children understand and accurately use mathematical vocabulary, both verbally and in written format, when explaining methods used to solve reasoning problems.
Our Mathematics curriculum is enhanced through the use of our outdoor learning environment, school grounds and spinney area. This allows children to practically explore mathematical concepts in order to develop their concrete understanding. Reception class have created an outdoor Maths Shed which is full of exciting natural resources to enhance and engage the foundations of mathematical learning. Our cross curricular approach and enhancement opportunities enable children to develop their mathematical skills within these activities. At Euxton C.E. Primary School we endeavour to maintain a love of collaboration in maths activities to promote discussion and vocabulary. We enjoy celebrating maths on World Maths Day each year and the KS1 and KS2 children benefit from active maths and problem solving using real life contexts provided by the Football Development Programme.