‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,’ Philippians 4:13
Mrs Wiles & Mrs Yarker lead Art throughout school.
Art is such an important subject for allowing children to develop a range of different skills including communication, motor skills, creativity and independent thinking. It is a way for children to express themselves, something which we actively encourage throughout school and across the curriculum. The ability to recreate art from the practical and visual aspects from real life is an integral skill for children to develop and not only encourages meaningful art but it allows children to have an eye for meaning in everyday things. Art also exposes children to a range of positive artistic role models, such as Paul Klee and Kandinsky who help children explore and express their emotions.
Mrs Wiles & Mrs Yarker.

Our aim at Euxton C of E Primary School is to engage, inspire and challenge pupils. Through our carefully-designed art curriculum, we ensure that all pupils are given the opportunity to learn about a wide range of cultural and historical developments in art throughout the ages. We aim to equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art and also to appreciate the works of great artists around the world. Embodying one of the highest forms of creativity, art enriches children’s lives and prepares them for life after school. Through art, we aim to help children develop their understanding of different faiths, cultures and lifestyles, promoting cultural appreciation and the ability to interpret the world around us. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of each child is central to our school vision and learning both through and about art helps children to develop in many ways. In addition to building creativity, it encourages self-expression, builds confidence, supports children’s spiritual development, promotes happiness and wellbeing, and also helps children to develop their sense of individual identity.

Art is taught to show progression throughout school covering a range of different skills. It is taught through the study of a range of inspirational artists, ensuring that by Year 6, children have an overview of the main historical art periods. Art throughout school has a focus on the following skills: drawing (line and marks, form and shape, texture and tone), skills to develop printing, painting, digital media, sculpture, textiles and collage. Cross - curricular links are also promoted and evidenced throughout the school.
Art is taught to help children to develop their understanding of the seven elements of art through specific skills sessions and to learn how to apply this to their artwork: as they progress through school we increase their stamina for sustained, independent artwork. Our progression document clearly maps out the artists and skills to be covered each term, for each year group which ensures the logical progression of skills and revisiting and consolidation of prior learning and also an appropriate balance of the different aspects of art.

Children are assessed against each aspect of the Art Curriculum. We use a 5 checkpoint model which embeds retrieval practices and supports a robust monitoring and assessment cycle.
Children also have their own sketch books that follow them up through school allowing monitoring of books to ensure curriculum coverage and track progress.
Focus for the year
Create an Euxton model of assessment (5 checkpoints) which embeds retrieval practices and supports a robust monitoring and assessment cycle.
To embed the curriculum of art in EYFS & KS1 allowing children to input ideas towards showcasing their skills and work.
Children can use visual language when discussing their artwork and use this in recognising it in their own work and the wider environment.
Cross-curricular links with other subjects are strong and enrichment opportunities outside of the curriculum
are encouraged through themed days and visitors e.g. a specialist leading Hindu Art sessions across the school.