"Children are the Lord’s reward and gift" - Psalm 127:3
Mr Westwell leads PE throughout school.
'Taking part in sports can have huge benefits for children's physical and mental wellbeing, which can be carried forward into adulthood. By finding a love of sport at a young age, children are much more likely to continue being active later in their lives and therefore continue to feel these benefits. This is why I believe we should be delivering active, enjoyable PE lessons to all children every week as well as a range of different clubs and events for children to take part in. By offering more opportunities for all children to find a sport they may not have taken part in before, they are much more likely to find something they enjoy and want to continue outside school.
Mr Westwell

PE Curriculum
PE is taught across the school in classes and therefore has a range of abilities throughout each lesson. Teachers use Lancashire plans to help aid lessons and assist with all ability types. We ensure pupils enjoy their lessons by providing interesting activities supported by high quality resources. The school has a wide range of resources that support both the teachers and the children and maximise participation rate. Cross curricular links are provided in dance via subject specific links. Obvious links to healthy living and science are provided through all PE activities. The aims of PE are directly related to the overall aims of the school. We strive to deliver high quality lessons that help all children to shine and discover their enjoyment for physical education. PE at Euxton encourages many skills such as resilience, perseverance, team work and sportsmanship and tie in with the British Values. We recognise the contribution of PE to health and well-being of the children and all children are actively involved in the daily mile. Research has shown that participation in extra-curricular activities also has a positive effect on attainment and we offer a variety of opportunities for sports after school for a range of different abilities where every child is welcome. We also provide information for external links to encourage participation in sport outside of school too. Each class has PE twice a week where lessons focus on the fundamental skills and develop and encourage communication and team work.

Our PE curriculum is designed in strands to feed through from EYFS and Key Stage 1 in to Key Stage 2.
Children start their PE journey in EYFS and Key Stage 1 by learning the fundamental movement skills needed to underpin all sports. These are; running fast, hopping, skipping, jumping, underarm throw, overarm throw, rolling a ball, bouncing a ball, kicking a ball and catching. In Key Stage 1, children have opportunities to use these skills in games and apply tactics and strategies in order to achieve higher rates of success.
In Key Stage 2, these skills and strategies are built on and improved through more specific sports. These sports are split into the following strands: Invasion games, target and creative games, net/wall games, striking/fielding games, OAA, athletics, gymnastics, dance and swimming.

Teachers monitor progress and adjust their teaching accordingly using the PE Passport app. Teachers use professional judgement to adjust their planning from week to week and alter lessons to suit the needs of the children in their class using the STEPS principle. As class teachers, each teacher has a good understanding of the abilities and needs in their class and is therefore able to pre-empt which children may need adjustments making to their tasks in order to provide more opportunity for success or more of a challenge. The PE Passport app helps teachers to monitor each child and gives a focus on what to look for. Teachers use this to record evidence and their assessments of specific skills, which are then made available to the subject leader and SLT. PE is monitored through observations, curriculum maps and interviews with children. This information is then used to inform action plans. Governors are informed of standards annually.
PE focus for this year
Create an Euxton model of assessment (5 checkpoints) which embeds retrieval practices and supports a robust monitoring and assessment cycle.
Increase the number of children who are active at break times through use of play leaders and activity zones.
Improve PE outcomes via School Games values for key groups of children.
There are many opportunities for enrichment in PE in our school.
Every child has the opportunity to take part in extra-curricular clubs in a range of sports.
We often take groups of children to take part in competitions and festivals with other schools.
Our annual sports day gives every child the opportunity to represent their team in sporting events.
During wellbeing week, children had the opportunity to take part in parachute games, yoga sessions and to use the climbing frame in the hall.
For children in need, we set up a Gladiators course in the hall for all children to complete.