Our Church School

Our School Vision and Values are deeply rooted in theology and scripture, taken from the gospel of Matthew 5:16 'Let your light shine'.
Christian Values
Our Christian Values are linked closely to our school context and the needs of our children and the community we serve. They are weaved throughout all of our decision-making and into everything that we do. We live out our Christian Values in our actions and choices on a daily basis.

Here are some examples of how we live out our Christian Values:
We worship every day
We welcome Rev. Jo and people of other faiths into school
We raise money or receive donations for different charities and causes
We are friends of Mikoroshoni Primary School in Kenya
Our School Council lead us on many things including our Courageous Advocacy initiatives
We attend church for key services throughout the year and our children proudly carry our school flag in family services. We support their work, including the Harvest Food Bank appeal and the church roof appeal.
We also have a strong relationship with Blackburn Diocese. Our school Diocesan Adviser is Mrs Ann Aspden. Staff attend many training events and our children go to the Children’s Conferences each year. They then lead worship to share what they have learned.
We work collaboratively with other church schools in our cluster and also have a special relationship with St. James’ CE Primary School in Chorley, and children from our school attend their ‘Ark Ethos Group’ children’s conference annually.
To enhance our curriculum and the experiences of our children we celebrate diversity of faiths through an annual Multi- Faith Week. Every KS2 class visits a places of worship from different faiths and then share their learning and experiences with our Infant children.
The faiths we explore are:
Reception - Christianity
Year 1: Christianity throughout the world
Year 2: Buddhism
Year 3: Hinduism
Year 4: Judaism
Year 5 : Islam
Year 6: Sikhism
We worship in school every single day!
Monday: Rev. Jo leads worship. It is a wonderful start to our day, and our week! We love our special relationship with Euxton Parish Church.
Tuesday: We worship together in class. Our teachers and pupils lead worship linked to learning from the world around us. Each week we focus on a current news story and develop respect for other's beliefs, feelings and faiths making links with our Christian and British Values.
Wednesday: Mrs Ash leads worship. We explore Christian Values based on ‘Roots and Fruits’. The Worship team help Mrs Ash plan and lead worship.
Thursday We worship through song! Teachers lead ‘Songs of Praise’, learning core songs linked to our values and the church's year. Friday: This is our very special ‘Celebration Worship’ when our families join us. We celebrate birthdays, weekly ‘Superstars’, curriculum achievements, school awards and out of school achievements too! Our Superstars join Mrs Ash on a Friday afternoon to have juice and biscuits and share their learning.
In addition to this, we also have visitors who come and lead worship. We have special services at Christmas and Easter, as well as an annual Leaver’s Service.
Courageous Advocacy
‘Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves.
Protect the rights of all who are helpless’
Proverbs 31:8
At Euxton Church of England Primary School, we are courageous advocates, agents of change, global citizens!
Life is full of ups and downs, and at times all will face challenges that they need help and support with.
We support as many local, national and international initiatives that we can.
Our underpinning of Christian and British Values ensures that opportunities to discuss current world issues, to challenge injustice and engage in activities that can bring about equality and change are always present. Examples of these are:
Strong links with Mikoroshoni Primary School in Kenya
Becoming a Fairtrade school
Remembrance Day
Worship Planning
Equality through our diverse curriculum
Blackburn Diocese conferences
Local school clusters and conferences – making a difference!
Pupil Voice and deciding courageous advocacy initiatives
We aim to inspire courageous advocacy and instil our Christian Values throughout our whole Euxton community. To ensure that we all flourish, we have been, and are supportive of, a range of charities, including:
Children in Need
Comic Relief
Derian House Children’s Hospice
Sports Relief
MacMillan Cancer Care
Local Foodbanks
Afghanistan and Ukraine Support Charities
Water Aid
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Our children have an excellent understanding of the meaning of belonging to a local and global community and the sense of responsibility that this comes with. Our curriculum actively embraces a responsibility for the world in which we live. We care for the world in which we all live and care for those who live in it:
Working with our partner school Mikoroshoni Primary School, in Kenya
Links with Euxton Care Home
Links with Euxton Library
Children in Year 6 laying down the wreath on Remembrance Day at Euxton War Memorial
Achieving Fairtrade School status
Shoe box appeal through local Rotary clubs
Donations of baby and children clothing to send to people of Ukraine
Courageous Advocacy 2024: each class has discussed ways in which we could be active global citizens.