Reception Blog 14.02.2025

Date: 12th Feb 2025 @ 9:30am

Dear Parents,


Valentines Day Gif - IceGif

What a busy half term it has been! Thankyou for your continued support. We are looking forward to the second half of the spring term.


Our story this week has been 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'. We talked about how Plop felt and explored the characters feelings about the dark.



We sequenced the key events in the story. 





We have been learning about capacity and using the words full, empty, half full, nearly full and nearly empty.

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This weeks lollystick challenges:

Our lollystick challenges have included looking at and describing different shapes of bulbs in the curiosity cube, exploring light and dark in the dark tent with torches and creating owls.






Safer Internet Day

On Tuesday it was Safer Internet day. We explored what the internet is and discussed how we can keep safe online. The children designed posters and a game for their tablet.







Please find the Phase 3 weekly sheets for this half term in the files section at the bottom of this blog.

We have been assessing the sounds we have covered this half term.

Due to this and some parents asking about phonics we have decided to bring forward our Phonics Stay and Play to the start of next half term rather than at the end. This will help parents to understand how Phonics is taught in class and the expectations and strategies we use.

Please note that our Phonics Stay and Play 

will now be on Thursday 27th February 2.00pm - 3.15pm.


Show and Tell

Thankyou we have had a range of great examples from the children this half term!


Reading Books

 Please ensure they are sent in every day as we do have reading helpers who can also listen to child in School. The ideal is a little time spent every night looking at the book together and enjoying it! 


Library Books

Library books will be coming home tonight.

Please return by Wednesday each week ready to be changed on Friday.



- Please make sure hair is tied up for PE (Tuesdays and Thursdays).

- Please help your child to practise zipping up their own coat, now the weather is getting colder and wetter.

- Please ensure all your child's clothes are named. Could you also check that you haven't ended up with anybody elses clothes as we still have a couple of cardigans missing!

- If your child needs to use lip balm could you please send it in in a named bag for the teachers to look after and oversee them putting it on.




Have a lovely half term, 


Ms Lucas, Mrs Critchley and Mrs Gifford.


Files to Download