Reception Friday Blog 12.09.2024

Date: 10th Sep 2024 @ 7:39pm

Dear Parents,

Welcome to our weekly Reception blog!

We have enjoyed another week together in school and the children have been amazing. 

We are working with the children individually and observing them within provision to establish their starting points for learning. We have introduced some short carpet sessions of counting and circle time. Please look at our Seesaw app as we upload photos of the children and it will give you an insight into what they are doing each day. Please also have a look at our Class Page on the website, this has an overview of our topic 'Marvellous Me' for this half term.




Our Teams.

teams for blog.JPG

The children have been put into our school teams, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The children sit together in these teams at lunchtime and they are used for a variety of purposes throughout the year including Sports Day. 




Phonic Meeting


Little Wandle Letters and Sounds - Weston Park Primary School



As mentioned in last weeks blog we are holding our Phonics Meeting for parents on Monday 23rd September at 5.30pm in the Reception classroom. Please come along to hear how we teach Phonics and what you can do at home to help your child. We look forward to seeing you!





Show and Tell

As mentioned on the topic overview we invite the children to bring in something that is topic related to show the class and tell us all about it. This can be brought in or can be sent as a photo via Seesaw. Next week could we ask for a family photograph from each child for show and tell, this will link in with our learning. Many thanks.




We have been encouraging the children to access books in our provision and have offered a variety of texts , including comics. We would like to create a display in our reading area that will include a photo of each child (from home) reading in an interesting pose or place! Please can you either send in a photo or send one via seesaw for us to print. Thankyou!





  • Please ensure all children have a named pair of wellies in school for rainy days!

  • If you could also send in a pair of spare socks to be kept in your child's PE bag as we have a limited supply.




Finally can I clarify that our PE session on 'Sporty Tuesday' is either outside (weather permitting) or inside as a Yoga session. We don't go into the hall for PE until Thursday. The children were getting confused about this so if they ask you, you can explain.

Thankyou for your continued support and have a lovely weekend!

The Reception Team