Reception Friday Blog 20.09.2024
Date: 18th Sep 2024 @ 12:19pm
Dear Parents,
Welcome to our weekly Reception blog!
Another busy week. We have begun introducing lollystick challenges into our independent learning. The children are given a challenge to complete within provision and when they have completed it they get to put a coloured lollystick in their pot in the challenge area.
The challenges this week were:
Drawing what you can see in the curiosity cube, and writing your name.
Creating a house in the junk modelling area.
We will build up to doing 4 challenges each week and the children get rewards for completing them!
We met our Year 6 buddies and had fun playing ball games.
Phonics meeting
We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our meeting next Monday at 5.30pm in the Reception classroom.
Show and Tell.
Please send in Autumn themed items for next weeks show and tell.
Our Class photo will be in your child's book bag tonight. Please can all orders be returned to school by Friday 4th October. Many thanks.
Have a lovely weekend!
Ms Lucas, Mrs Critchley and Mrs Gifford.