Year 2 Friday Blog- 28.2.25
Date: 21st Feb 2025 @ 2:55pm
Dear parents,
Welcome to the Year 2 Friday blog!
Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings / times tables and lots more.
In our maths lessons this week we have been focusing on the topic of Measurement. We have been choosing and using the correct equipment to measure length and height in centimetres and metres. We all enjoyed playing a measuring game where we had to pick up a card numbered from 1-20. We then had to estimate and measure which lines on our games board were the same length as the number shown on the card selected.
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We have also been ordering the values of three or more lengths or heights.
We have started our new topic of Easter.The children became detectives looking for an early signs of spring. These were then recorded in the form of drawings and writing. We thought about the before and after e.g. a tree- bare branches (looks dead), buds (alive with new leaves). We then thought about what happens next.
During our Art sessions, we have been studying Picasso. The children looked at how Picasso's style changed over the years and discussed which paintings they preferred and why.
Have a look at our gallery to see photographs of our RE lessons this week.
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Test yourself on the 2 and 10 times tables using Hit the Button. |
Reading - Please read every night. Answer a selection of 'who, what, when, where and why' questions about the text.
Spellings - Please find this weeks spellings below and a link to spelling frame. Our spelling quiz will be on Friday 7th March (due to the trip being held on Thursday 6th March).
Choose five or more spellings and write a sentence for each of the words. Remember to think it, say, write it and then check for full stops and capital letters.
Words to learn this week How do ‘w’ and ‘qu’ change the sounds that ‘a’, ‘ar’ and ‘or’ make in some words? |
Times tables - On March 7th , the children will be tested on a mix of the 2 and 10 times tables.
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Safeguarding - morning routine
If you are dropping off your child at the classroom door/ KS2 entrance door and need to pass a message on to a member of staff, please do so by speaking to the staff member who monitors the door in the morning. If you need to enter school for any other reason, adults can only enter the school building via the main school entrance and seek assistance from the school office team. If you are attending a meeting with a member of staff, you must sign in at the front desk as a visitor and have an ID lanyard.
Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school and children safe.
Next Week
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The infant trip to Imagine That! will be held on Thursday 6th March.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Year 2 team