Year 2 Friday Blog- 7.2.25

Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 1:17pm

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Dear parents,


Welcome to the Year 2 Friday blog!





We have been using our story maps to write an innovated version of Paddington in the Garden. The children have changed what Paddington climbed up onto to gain a good view of the gardens. Many of the children were keen to use their knowledge of landmarks in London (from our Geography lesson last week) when choosing a building for Paddington to climb. As well as focusing on punctuation (?, !, capital letters and full stops), we have also been learning how to edit and improve our work by adding adjectives with the suffix -ful or -less, as well as many other noun phrases.


In our maths lessons this week we have learning about how to calculate answers to multiplication questions through the application of repeated addition. We have also been learning strategies to find half of an even number, as well as focusing on sharing with remainders. During our Mastering Number sessions, we have been learning about near doubles (4+5, 5+6 etc) and have been using our rekenreks to help us.

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Try the halving section on Hit the Button.




We have been learning about empathy in RE this week.  Having listened to the story of Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52, Luke 18:35-43), we then discussed how Bartimaeus felt when Jesus spoke to him.


As part of our topic on Van Gogh, we have been working in small groups to produce collaborative collages of Van Gogh's Starry Night painting. We used a variety of materials with different textures and thought about the colours used by Van Gogh to create mood.

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 Have a look at our gallery to see some more photographs taken during our art lesson this week.


Reading -  Please read with your child every night. 

Spellings - Please find this weeks spellings below and a link to spelling frame. 

Our spelling quiz will be on Thursday 13th February.


Words to learn

Common Exception Words

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Prickly word- could


Times tables - On February 13th , the children will be tested on the 10x tables (in a random order).

Back by popular demand! The children love this song.

Ten Times Tables Song-Webster the Spider

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  TTRS Logo  
Log in details for Spelling Frame or TT Rock Stars can be found on the inside cover of your child's Reading Record book.

Children's Mental Health Week 3rd-7th February


Following the theme of the film Inside Out 2, we thought about our own Personality Islands as part of Children's Mental Health Week.We discussed how different parts of our personalities work together to make us who we are.



Have a fantastic weekend!

The Year 2 team