Year 2 Friday Blog- 7.3.25

Date: 2nd Mar 2025 @ 6:09pm




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Dear parents,

Welcome to the Year 2 Friday blog!

Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings / times tables and lots more. 


 Our learning this week in Year 2




We have been using our retrieval and inference skills in our English lessons. Focusing on The owl and the Pussycat, we started the week off by answering comprehension questions related to the poem. We then used the poem as a basis for writing a story on the same theme. Having planned the opening of our narrative accounts, we used our knowledge of expanded noun phrases to write an interesting story opening. We will continue to work on the middle and ending next week.



In our maths lessons this week we have continued our topic of Measurement. Applying the knowledge and skills acquired in previous lessons, the children all worked with great effort and enthusiasm to solve problems related to measure.

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As part of our Easter topic, we have been focusing on celebrations and looked at when we celebrate, where, why and how. We enjoyed class discussions about our favourite celebrations, seasonal celebrations, as well as cultural celebrations. Following such discussions, some of the children were keen to share with the class the various ways in which they have celebrated Easter in the past.


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World Book Day

The children had a great time in the hall on World Book Day. They shared their favourite books with their friends in Year 4 and Reception. We also enjoyed sharing and reading the books in class.

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Science Week

We have had such a fantastic time during Science Week learning all about the topic 'Change and Adapt'. We started the week with a science afternoon and all of the children took part in a variety of themed activities. We worked in groups and moved around the school, working with our friends from each of the other classes. On Tuesday, we all loved watching a Science Show in the hall. It was amazing! The trip to Imagine That on Thursday was a great success! All of the infant children had a fantastic time. Everyone made slime, a fridge magnet, monster bags and were able to try out all of the hands-on science activities available. All of the children also enjoyed playing in the role-play area.

Have a look at our gallery to see photographs of our

trip to Imagine That! and of our

Science Week activities.


Do Homework GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

Reading Please read  every night. Answer a selection of 'who, what, when, where and why' questions about the text.



Spellings - Please find this weeks spellings below and a link to spelling frame. Our spelling quiz will be on Thursday 13th March.


Choose five or more words and make a sentence for each word. Remember to check for capital letters and full stops.

Words to learn this week

How do ‘w’ and ‘qu’ change the sounds that ‘a’, ‘ar’ and ‘or’ make in some words?




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Times tables - On March 13th , the children will be tested on the 5 times tables (in order).


  TTRS Logo  
Log in details for Spelling Frame or TT Rock Stars can be found on the inside cover of your child's Reading Record book.


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Have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 2 team