Year 3 Friday Blog - 20th September 2024

Date: 18th Sep 2024 @ 3:50pm

Dear parents,

Welcome to the Year 3 Friday blog!

Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings and times tables and lots more. 


Meet the Teacher

Thank you to everyone who attended our meet the teacher morning, it was lovely to see you all and hopefully you found it informative. If you weren't able to attend, the slides are attached at the bottom of our blog.


Courageous Advocacy

Thank you to Poppy for bringing in her poster all about planting trees to help wildlife and the environment. If you have been busy at home making posters or researching other ides of how we can be 'agents of change', please bring them in on Tuesday so that we can share them in class worship.



Reading - Reading is one of the most important skills for children to master as it unlocks their imagination and allows them to access the rest of the curriculum. Please read with your child every night. Remember to ask questions as this will improve key reading skills, such as retrieval and inference. Children should also have their school reading books in school every day so that an adult can read with them.


Spellings - This week, we will be looking at words containing a soft c in our spelling lessons. Our spelling words to learn are listed below and these will be tested on Thursday. As homework, each child should log into SpellingFrame and complete this weeks test using the link below.

  Week 3.JPG spelling-frame.jpg  

          Times tables - Times tables are a vital skill, which will be used throughout the year and through the rest of the childrens school journeys and lives. In order to prepare every child as well as we can, we ask that children log in to times table rockstars as many days as possible each week. On there, the children can practise all of their times tables by playing different games.

We will also have a times tables quiz each week. Next week, we will test the 5 times table.

  TTRS Logo  

I will be keeping track of all children logging into both Spelling Frame and TT Rockstars. I recommend 10 minutes on both, as many nights as possible. If you are struggling to find time to log in to SpellingFrame or TT Rockstars on a device, please find alternative ways of practising our weekly spellings and times tables, such as verbal tests/chanting in the car, or using one of the attached spelling strategies.

An overview for spellings and times tables can be found at the bottom of the blog. 

Our learning this week in Year 3


This week in English, each child has been writing their own innovated version of the ant and the grasshopper. During our lessons, we have learned how to use adverbs, expanded noun phrases and different types of punctuation. The children have then used each of these skills in their writing.


In Maths, we have been working on our mental methods for addition and subtraction. We have learned how to use base 10, partitioning and number lines to count on and back for addition and subtraction of numbers containing tens and ones.


In Geography this week, we have built on our prior knowledge of continents and the equator to learn about the tropics of cancer and capricorn and the locations of the tropical rainforests which are found around them.


Have a fantastic weekend!

The Year 3 team

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