Year 3 Friday Blog - 31.01.25

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 12:59pm

Dear parents,

Welcome to the Year 3 Friday blog!

Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings and times tables and lots more.


Children's Mental Health Week 3-9th February

Next week sees the start of Children's Mental Health Week. The theme for 2025 is 'KNOW YOURSELF, GROW YOURSELF'. We will be thinking about our emotions and about what makes us feel happy, sad etc. Each class will be focusing on this theme and will be completing various related activities.

Suggested Homework Activity

Please see the files to download section for the suggested homework activity and the memory box template sheet.



Reading - Reading is one of the most important skills for children to master as it unlocks their imagination and allows them to access the rest of the curriculum. Please read with your child every night. Remember to ask questions as this will improve key reading skills, such as retrieval and inference. Children should also have their school reading books in school every day so that an adult can read with them.


Spellings - For our spelling quizzes this half term, there will be a list of 12 words sent home to learn. These words will all follow a spelling rule that we are learning in class that week. Our spelling quiz each Thursday will then consist of 8 of these words as well as 2 words the children have previously learned. As homework, each child should still log into SpellingFrame and complete this weeks test using the link below.

  Sp1W4.JPG spelling-frame.jpg  

          Times tables - Times tables are a vital skill, which will be used throughout the year and through the rest of the childrens school journeys and lives. In order to prepare every child as well as we can, we ask that children log in to times table rockstars as many days as possible each week. On there, the children can practise all of their times tables by playing different games.

We will also have a times tables quiz each week. Next week, we will test division facts related to the 8 times table.

  TTRS Logo  

I will be keeping track of all children logging into both Spelling Frame and TT Rockstars. I recommend 10 minutes on both, as many nights as possible. If you are struggling to find time to log in to SpellingFrame or TT Rockstars on a device, please find alternative ways of practising our weekly spellings and times tables, such as verbal tests/chanting in the car, or using one of the attached spelling strategies.

An overview for spellings and times tables can be found at the bottom of the blog. 


Our learning this week in Year 3


This week in English, we have written our own versions of Gregory Cool. Having practised writing three different parts of the story last week and going back to edit and improve our work, we have now written our own versions independently using our plans and ideas from those practice writes.


This week, we have started to learn about fractions. We now know all about numerators and denominators and we can even find fractions of different amounts!



In RE, we have been thinking about people who have been called by God. This week, we continued to think about Moses, who God called by talking to him through a burning bush. We considered what questions we would like to ask Moses and we came up with some really thoughtful ideas.




In science this week, we have continued our learning about rocks by completing a rock survey around our school. We had lots of different ideas about what types of rocks there were, and everyone was able to describe the properties of the rocks they had found.



Have a fantastic weekend!

The Year 3 team

Files to Download