Year 3 Friday Blog - 5th July 2024

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:42pm


Dear parents,

Welcome to the Year 3 Friday blog!

Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings / times tables and lots more. 

Every Friday the blog will be shared with the class to recap our learning and make them aware of their homework. Moving to online homework has allowed us to become a more eco friendly school. Throughout the week we will be learning about the spelling rule in preparation for the quiz on Thursday. Spelling frame or your homework book can be used for practise along with the spelling strategies shared on the blog below. Please ask if your child requires a reminder of their log in details for Spelling Frame or TT Rock Stars.


Reading - Reading is one of the most important skills for children to master as it unlocks their imagination and allows them to access the rest of the curriculum. Please read with your child every night. Question prompts are provided within reading books, coloured book marks and reading records. Asking questions improves key reading skills, such as retrieval and inference.

Spellings - Please find this weeks spellings below and a link to spelling frame. Red homework books do not need to be returned to school.



           words to learn









Times table / division facts - This week, the children will need to focus on the 2,3,4,5,8, and 10 times tables. They will be given twelve times tables questions to answer, based on these facts, in the quiz on Thursday 11th July. Please continue to practise all of the times tables stated, as well as the related division facts, on TT Rock Stars.

ttrs logo.jpg


I will be keeping track of all children logging into both Spelling Frame and TT Rockstars. I recommend 10 minutes, every night, on each of the websites.

An overview for spellings and times tables can be found at the bottom of the blog. 


Our learning this week in Year 3


This week, we have been planning our innovated version of the Cliffhanger text and have been grouping related material into paragraphs. The children have been using the knowledge that they gained last week to compose sentences using a variety of sentence structures. They have also been  impressing me with their independent editing.



In maths lessons, we have been focusing on dividing by 10, counting up and down in tenths, as well as identifying tenths on a number line. Having cut straws into ten equal parts at the end of last week, we have referred back to that lesson when thinking about tenths. This has helped to support the children's learning and they have used their knowledge to convert fractions to decimals. 


2⁄10 = 0.2     2 2⁄10 = 2.2

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In science this week, we have been investigating whether temperature affects the transportaion of water in a plant. We discussed how to make our test fair and changed only the temperature when carrying out our class investigation. Having added the same amount of water and food colouring to three separate jugs containing white flowers, we then placed each of the jugs in areas around the school where different temperatures were recorded (room temperature, greater and less than room temperature). We will observe the three plants and record our findings.




Moving Up Morning

The children enjoyed their morning with Mrs. Wiles and Mr. Astle on Wednesday. Having listened to the story entitled 'Drawing Hope', the children went on to produce their own flags based on the message of the book. 


Sports Day

All of the children were superstars in our Sports Day on Tuesday. They all tried their absolute best and I was proud of each and every one of them. 


Euxton Factor Auditions

The Year 3 auditions will be held on Wednesday 10th July. Please bring the prepared speeches to school on Wednesday morning. Thank you.

Have a look at our gallery to see what we have been doing in science this week. 


Have a fantastic weekend!

The Year 3 team