Year 3 Friday Blog - 6th September 2024

Date: 5th Sep 2024 @ 1:29pm

Dear parents,

Welcome to the Year 3 Friday blog!

Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings and times tables and lots more. 

Welcome Back!

  Kathy-24 - Welcome Back, welcome , back , gif - Free animated GIF - PicMix  

I hope you have all had a lovely Summer, I have really enjoyed hearing what all of the children have been up to and we are all looking forward to getting started in Year 3.

Courageous Advocacy

Before Summer, the following homework was set. If the children have done this over the holidays, it can be brought/sent in on Tuesday so that it can be shared in our class worship.

Calling all 
'Agents of Change!'
We are very excited to be introducing Courageous Advocacy into our curriculum from September. This supports the ethos and values of our School and the work we already do in learning about people from different backgrounds and environments. However, it is not just about fundraising but projects that can effect change. 
What Is Courageous Advocacy?
The act of speaking out against an issue of injustice, often on behalf of someone who cannot be heard.
Must be informed about an issue and move beyond knowing to saying and doing.
It takes courage!
Over the Summer, we would like you to start thinking about what you are passionate about. What could we do as a project in School? In September our class worship will be used to share and discuss these ideas that then can be presented to the rest of the School. 


On Thursday, we will be celebrating harvest at church. All children from years 1-6 will walk to church together straight after registration for a service. Children can bring in a donation of non-perishable food to place on the alter, which will be taken to Chorley food bank. Please ensure children are in school on time so that we can all walk over to church together.
  Happy Harvest  


Reading - Reading is one of the most important skills for children to master as it unlocks their imagination and allows them to access the rest of the curriculum. Please read with your child every night. Remember to ask questions as this will improve key reading skills, such as retrieval and inference. Children should also have their school reading books in school every day so that an adult can read with them.


Spellings - This week, we will be looking at words containing sp and spr in our spelling lessons. Our spelling words to learn are listed below and these will be tested on Thursday. As homework, each child should log into SpellingFrame and complete this weeks test using the link below. There will be no homework books sent home this year.

  Week 1.JPG spelling-frame.jpg  

          Times tables - Times tables are a vital skill, which will be used throughout the year and through the rest of the childrens school journeys and lives. In order to prepare every child as well as we can, we ask that children log in to times table rockstars as many days as possible each week. On there, the children can practise all of their times tables by playing different games.

We will also have a times tables quiz each week, starting with the 2 times table next week.

  TTRS Logo  

I will be keeping track of all children logging into both Spelling Frame and TT Rockstars. I recommend 10 minutes on both, as many nights as possible. 

An overview for spellings and times tables can be found at the bottom of the blog. 

Our learning this week in Year 3


We have started to learn about fables in English this week, and the children have been acting out some fables they have read. I am really impressed with how well the children have identified the morals in some of the fables we have read, such as the thirsty crow, the town mouse and the country mouse, the hare and the tortoise and the wolf in sheep's clothing. 


In Maths, we have been working on our place value skills by playing the exchange up and exchange down games using base 10 equipment and identifying numbers represented with base 10. Everyone has done really well with this work, and if they continue to work hard, I'm sure they will continue to shine in our maths lessons next week.


In RE, we have started to think about harvest as part of our first topic. The children have been thinking about why harvest is celebrated byu communities, why christians celebrate harvest and what it is we are actually celebrating. We had some very thoughtful responses to these questions and I look forward to continuing this topic next week.


Have a look at our gallery to see what we have been doing in English and Maths this week.


Have a fantastic weekend!

The Year 3 team

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