Year 4 Friday Blog - 21st June 2024
Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 8:56pm
Dear parents,
Welcome to the Year 4 Friday blog!
Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings and times tables and lots more.
Reading - Reading is one of the most important skills for children to master as it unlocks their imagination and allows them to access the rest of the curriculum. Please read with your child every night. Remember to ask questions as this will improve key reading skills, such as retrieval and inference.
Spellings - This week, we are learning about word roots in our spelling lessons. Our spelling words to learn are listed below and these will be tested on Thursday. As homework, each child should log into SpellingFrame and complete this weeks test using the link below. Homework books can be used to practise spellings, but do not need to be returned to school.
Times tables - All children have now completed their MTC and we are so proud of how much they have all practised to earn their scores. As we come to the end of Year 4, we begin to look ahed to Year 5 and 6, where children will need to retain their times table knowledge and apply it in their maths. For this reason, we ask that every child continues to log in to TT RockStars each week. On Thursday, we will continue with our weekly times table tests and this week we will be testing the 11 times table.
I will be keeping track of all children logging into both Spelling Frame and TT Rockstars. I recommend 10 minutes on both, as many nights as possible.
An overview for spellings and times tables can be found at the bottom of the blog.
Our learning this week in Year 4
As we build on our understanding of issues some of the characters in 'Journey to Jo'burg' may have faced, we are now beginning to plan our own stories. This week, the children have completed story maps of issues their characters may face on their own journeys.
This week, we have revisited mental methods for multiplication and division questions. The children have had plenty of practice on a range of methods and have been able to choose an appropriate method depending on the question they are asked.
We have started a new unit in PE this week; learning all about striking and fielding games through playing rounders. The children have practised throwing accurately to help when fielding and running, which is useful as a batter. Some groups have even started to think about strategies they can use to help them when batting or as a fielding team.
Have a look at our gallery to see what we have been doing in PE this week.