Year 5 Friday Blog - 17.1.25

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 3:15pm



Dear parents,

                        Welcome to the Year 5 Friday blog!                                          

Safeguarding - morning routine

If you are dropping off your child at the classroom door / KS2 entrance door and need to pass a message on to a member of staff please do so by speaking to the staff member who monitors the door in the morning.
If you need to enter school for any other reason, adults can only enter the school building via the main school entrance and seek assistance from the school office team. If you are attending a meeting with a member of staff you must sign in at the front desk as a visitor and have an ID lanyard. 
Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school and children safe.

Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings / times tables and lots more. 

Every Friday, the blog will be shared with the class to recap our learning and make them aware of their homework. Moving to online homework has allowed us to become a more eco friendly school. Throughout the week we will be learning about the spelling rule in preparation for the quiz on Thursday. Spelling frame can be used for practise along with the spelling strategies shared on the blog below. 


Reading - Reading is one of the most important skills for children to master as it unlocks their imagination and allows them to access the rest of the curriculum. Please read with your child every night. Question prompts are provided within reading records asking questions improves key reading skills, such as retrieval and inference.


Spellings -  Please find this weeks spellings below, our spelling quiz this week will take place on Thursday 23rd January. Every Thursday, we will have a spelling quiz. The quiz will contain ten words from the spelling rule for that week plus two words from previous year groups. The overview for Spring Term 1 can be found on our class page. 


Spelling rule - Hyphenated prefixes and apostrophes making contractions






















Times tables -  Please use the Times Tables Rock Stars website to practise the times tables. We will be revising all times tables in year 5 and further developing related division facts. Times tables test will take place each Friday.                    


ttrs logo.jpg


I will be keeping track of all children logging into both Spelling Frame and TT Rockstars. I recommend 10 minutes, every night, on each of the websites.

Our learning this week in Year 5



The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Rauf is a great KS2 book to open  up

Exploring "The Boy at the Back of the Class" 📚✨

This week in our English lessons, we continued to dive into our focus novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class. the children have shown great enthusiasm as they explore the themes and characters within this heartwarming story.

To bring the narrative to life, the children had the exciting opportunity to channel their inner journalists! 📰 They crafted a section of a newspaper article based on the events and characters found in the novel. It was fantastic to see their creativity flourish as they gathered information and presented it in a journalistic style.

Additionally, the children refined their inference skills by answering questions from the perspective of the characters, they not only deepened their comprehension but also developed empathy and perspective-taking skills. 🌟


This Week in Maths: Mastering Addition and Subtraction 🌟

This week in maths, the children have gone back to the basics by revisiting addition and subtraction. It's fantastic to see how they've recalled the various methods we covered during the Autumn term, which include:

  • Mental Bridging 🤔
  • Mental Counting On
  • Mental Compensation ⚖️
  • Whole Number Addition and Subtraction 📊

Not only have the children been practising these techniques, but they've also been actively discussing when it’s best to implement each method. This critical thinking encourages them to become more reflective mathematicians and helps to solidify their understanding.

addition and subtraction - spring 1.jpg



Mastering Word Processing Skills! 🖥️✨

This week, the children embarked on an exciting journey into the world of word processing! They became familiar with essential vocabulary that lays the foundation for their computing skills—terms like Caps Lock, Shift, and Cursor were explored in depth as they navigated their own Word documents.

In addition to these basics, the children had the opportunity to learn about Font Style, Font Size, Alignment, and important formatting features such as Bold, Italic, and Underline. With hands-on practice, they opened a document, renamed it when saving, and are now all set to create a  piece of information text in the week ahead! 🌟📄




Cricket Fun with Lancashire Cricket Foundation! 🏏

This week in PE, the children enjoyed their second cricket session with the Lancashire Cricket Foundation!

They practiced striking the ball in small group games, taking turns to bat and field. It was wonderful to see their enthusiasm, teamwork and skill development!

Thank you to Lancashire Cricket Foundation for helping children learn and have fun together. We can’t wait for the next session!


Have a lovely weekend

The Year 5 team