Year 5 Friday Blog - 29.11.24

Date: 27th Nov 2024 @ 4:12pm

Dear parents,

                Welcome to the Year 5 Friday blog!                                          


Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings / times tables and lots more. 

Every Friday, the blog will be shared with the class to recap our learning and make them aware of their homework. Moving to online homework has allowed us to become a more eco friendly school. Throughout the week we will be learning about the spelling rule in preparation for the quiz on Thursday. Spelling frame can be used for practise along with the spelling strategies shared on the blog below. 


Reading - Reading is one of the most important skills for children to master as it unlocks their imagination and allows them to access the rest of the curriculum. Please read with your child every night. Question prompts are provided within reading records asking questions improves key reading skills, such as retrieval and inference.


Spellings - Please find this weeks spellings below and a link to spelling frame. 

Please note that our spelling quiz will be every Thursday and our times tables quiz will be every Friday.



words to learn 





















Times tables -  Please use the Times Tables Rock Stars website to practise the times tables. We will be revising all times tables in year 5 and further developing related division facts. Times tables test will take place each Friday.                    


ttrs logo.jpg


I will be keeping track of all children logging into both Spelling Frame and TT Rockstars. I recommend 10 minutes, every night, on each of the websites.

Our learning this week in Year 5



In English this week, the children have created a science-fiction character, inspired by the main ideas of the stories that we have read. Their characters often had a distinctive appearance, like sleek, futuristic clothing or unique accessories that reflected their interests in gadgets and technology. Many of them shared a sense of feeling bored and confined by life on a space colony. These characters will feature in the children's own science-fiction story in the coming weeks.  


This week, the children have completed their unit on fractions and began exploring multiplication and area. They revsited the compensation method, using multiples of 100 and then adjusting the result for geater accuracy. Additionally, they practiced the grid method to multiply four-digit numbers by single-digit numbers, breaking the problem into smaller, manageable parts.

Maths multiplication and area.jpg



In our history lessons, we have been learning why the Vikings raided monasteries like Lindisfarne. We discivered that these raids were often motivated by the Vikings seeking treasure, land, and resources. To share our findings, we created a newspaper report explaining what happened during these attacks and the impact they had on the people of the time.

Additionally, we researched Alfred te Great and created a fact file about his life and achievements. We learned that Alfred was known as 'Alfred the Great' because of his military successes, his role in defending England against Viking invaisions, and his efforts to promote education and justice in his Kingdom.   

As part of our Show and Tell, we had the exciting opportunity to explore Viking artefacts. The children thoroughly enjoyed examining these items, learning about their history and significance. It was a fantastic hands-on experience that brougt our learning to life. Be sure to check out the photographs in the gallery to see some of the artefacts we explored!



School Council

Well done to all the children who delivered their speeches during the school council elections! You spoke with confidence and clarity, and we are so proud of your efforts. Congratulations to Charlie and Neva, the newly elected representatives for Year 5. They will be presented with their badges next week during celebration worship. We would like to say thank you to Noah and Florence for their outstanding work as school councillors over the past year. 


National No Pens Day

During National No Pens Day we used oracy skills. We showed great listening and questioning skills during show and tell and many other activities throughout the day. Take a look at the gallery for photographs.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 5 team