Year 6 Friday Blog 28th June

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 5:08pm

Dear parents,

Welcome back to the Year 6 Friday blog!

Robinwood 2024.jpg

Thank you for your support with our new weekly blogs. It has been fantastic to hear the children talking about them in school this week. Every Friday the blog will be shared with the class to recap our learning and make them aware of their homework. Moving to online homework has allowed us to become a more eco friendly school.   Throughout the week we will be learning about the spelling rule in preparation for the quiz on Thursday. Spelling frame or your homework book can be used for practise along with the spelling strategies shared on the blog below. Please ask if your child requires a reminder of their log in details for Spelling Frame or TT Rock Stars.

Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings / times tables and lots more. 

Our week ahead:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Shakespeare Rocks! Dress rehearsal for EYFS&KS1 Sports Day High School taster days

Shakespeare Rocks! 2pm & 6pm

Normal day


They say the sun shines on the righteous and we certainly got the sunshine this week at Robinwood.  The children completed a whopping 12 adventurous actvities while we were away.  It was fantastic to see lots of bravery, teamwork and communication.  Their behaviour during the day was outstanding; so much so that the instructors have requested Euxton CE again next year!  Thank you for the emails of thanks; it is always a privilege to be part of this trip and I enjoyed it as much as they did!  Please see the blog for some pictures from our trip.

Sports Day:  Tuesday

Sports Day is next Tuesday 2nd July:
1:15pm Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
2:15pm Years 3-6
Children can come to school ready for sports day in their team sporty clothes (a team coloured t-shirt: Air- Yellow, Earth – Green, Fire – Red, Water – Blue, black shorts and trainers). Please also ensure children have a water bottle and that sun cream is applied before they come to school.  Our PTFA are running a tuck shop and refreshments from 2pm. 
Children are able to leave with parents after they have finished their races: if you would like to pick your child up, please do so by going round to the playground and collecting them from their classroom door.
Please could we ask that you don’t encourage younger siblings to play on St Mary’s outside play equipment during our Sports Day – thank you!
If we have to cancel due to bad weather, we will text all parents on the day as early as possible.  Our reserve Sports Day in this case would be Wednesday 10th July. We look forward to having you with us!

Transition Day:  Wednesday

Wednesday is a taster day for our children, at their various high schools.  We spend plenty of time in class chatting about moving up to high school and I have now spoken to every high school about each child individually; so they will know lots about them already!  I want to wish all the children good luck on this exciting day; it's a little taster of what is to come-try not to worry, have fun and shine like I know you can!

Shakespeare Rocks! Thursday

All costumes should now be in school.  If they are not, please bring in them on Monday.  Monday is our dress rehearsal, where we will try our material out on an audience for the first time-very exciting!

On Thursday, please arrive at 5.30pm for the 6pm performance.

TICKETS:  Letters have gone home with tickets attached.  There will also be a raffle, so don't forget your purses/wallets!

Summer Reading Challenge

Kath from Euxton library came to school this week to tell the children about the Summer reading challenge. The challenge is for children to read five books during the summer, and complete a number of challenges. By completing these challenges they'll unlock prizes along the way as well as the chance to be entered into a prize draw for a free Lego kit. All participating children will be able to visit one of Lancashire's museums for free with an adult, as well as regular activities taking place in all libraries in Lancashire. The challenge will launch on Saturday 6th July and runs until the end of September. Please go to see Kath at Euxton library if you would like to register and take part.

Homework:  Wellbeing Homework

We have two pieces of homework left:  DT and Art.  Please check the homework letter once again.  However, it is wellbeing homework week so please choose this either aswell or instead of.

SPECIAL REQUEST:  Thank you for all of the adorable 'first day of school' pictures.  If you haven't had chance yet, please do email a copy to:[email protected] 

News and announcements

  • Please check the costume letter for Shakespeare Rocks-we have ironed out a lot of the parts this week and so your child should be able to tell you what their costume requirements are.  If not, encourage them to ask again and I will check.  Some of the children have already clarified if they are a 'boy' or a 'girl.
  • It has been brought to our attention that some of the whatsapp Year 6 group chats have become a little unfriendly.  We have discussed digital detoxes, kindness and online safety once again at school.  Please continue to monitor your child's phone activity.  We are mindful that this can be an exciting but unsettling time of year as the children face lots of change-we are committed to making it as wonderful and as positive as possible.  Please continue to monitor your child's phone activity. 
  • As the warmer weather approaches (hopefully) we must remember our sun protection rules:  please see our handy poster below on how to stay safe in the sun.

Have a look at our gallery to see some of our activities at Robinwood.

Sun safety.jpg

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