Year 6 Blog-Friday 14th February

Date: 3rd Jan 2025 @ 7:17am


Year 6 Highlights of the week:

Earth had the most points for this half-term and enjoyed play activities in the school hall on Monday afternoon.

School Sports Partnership came into school and we competed in a Pentathlon event.

Lots of children went to the PTFA Valentines Disco, which was a great event. 

We wrote a letter to our class governor, Rev Jo, to celebrate Governor Awarenss Day.

Year 6 are enjoying their new role as Worship Prefects, setting a wonderful example of how to behave!

Spelling Frame and TTRS Champions-collect your team points and keep up the great work!


SATS Bootcamp Homework

Please ensure your child logs into SATS Bootcamp and completes the tasks below.  I regularly log-in to check engagement as a little practise at home goes a long way for learning in school!

Maths:  Topic 12-Perimeter and Area.  Watch the video and complete the PRACTICE QUESTIONS.

Reading:  Reading Test 2 (The Fishing Trip)

Grammar:  Topic 12-Clauses and Phrases:  Watch the three videos and compelte the PRACTICE QUESTIONS

Spellings:  Please see below for spellings; practise using Spelling Frame and your spelling journal.

Coming soon....Spelling Shed

We have just purchased a subscription to this platform.  Children have their new log-in details and are encouraged to access Spelling Shed and have a play around.


Our learning this week in Year 6



We have looked at features of a biography, including how paragraphs are organised into themes, as well as the linguistic devices used.  We have worked hard to incorporate more relative clauses into our writing.  Using our science research, we have written biographies about the great scientist, Charles Darwin.


We have spent this week mastering how to find the area and perimeter of rectinlinear shapes.  This involves lots of problem-solving and practical thinking, take a look at an example questions below.  Can your child show you how to find the answer?




We have brought together our understanding of the Christian sacrament of Eucharist by celebrating the main aspects in our own stained glass windows.



Here are some examples of the children's artwork which, this half-term, was still life drawing.  The results are stunning!


We hope you have a lovely, safe and restful half-term!

The Year 6 team

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