Year 6 Blog-Friday 1st November
Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 12:13pm
Dear parents,
Welcome to the Year 6 Friday blog.
Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings and times tables and lots more.
Every Year 6 entry for this competition will receive a raffle ticket for a class prize-you have to be in it to win it! For a larger version, see the letter which is attached to the blog.
Year 6 Lottery-Spelling Frame & TTRS
To encourage children to make good use of Spelling Frame and TTRS, I will announce the top 3 users each week. These children will be awarded entries into a class lottery (3 entries for gold, 2 for silver and 1 for bronze). At the end of the half term, we will draw the lottery and the winner will receive a £10 amazon voucher. The more times you gain a top-spot, the greater your chance of winning. You have to be in it to win it!
This week's winners (chosen on Thursday 31st October) are shown below. Well done!
Reading -Thank you to all children who have handed their books in by Thursday. Unfortunately, there are still a few who are not handing their books in on time. Please remind your child to complete their comprehension task and bring it to school by Thursday morning at the latest.
This week they need to complete Set A Task 6.
Spellings -From today (Friday 1st November), we will look at our new spelling rule: -tious/-cious. There is a video attached to this blog which explains the rule. Please see below for a selection of spellings and children can access their latest test on Spelling Frame. The test for this spelling rule will on Thursday. The children are being tested on their ability to apply the rule and so practising lots of different spellings is beneficial.
Maths: This week we have learnt about the properties of number. For homework, I would like the children to learn the prove the divisibility rules for 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4. I would also like them to memorise prime numbers up to 20. They will be tested on both of these elements next week. Children should also access TTRS throughout the week so that they are achieveing automacity in their tables knowledge. The divisibilty document will be sent home and there is a copy attached.
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Our learning this week in Year 6
This week we have studied a short story called 'Clock Close.' This is a flash-back fantasy story about a child stepping back in time and we have taken the opportunity to apply it to our local area. The children have worked towards writing their own stories, thinking carefully about the variety of setences they use in their writing. Sports journalist, Gareth Walker from Literacy Kicks has joined us once again to begin a series of 4 high-quality journalism sessions with this class. This week they wrote about Keely Hodgkinson's remarkable Olympic gold medal race. We had two sporting journalists of the week, together with a number of children receiving a golden pencil. Let's see who can win one next week!
This week we have continued to look at the properties of numbers, including divisbility rules and prime numbers. We are applying our place value knowledge and times table knowledge daily.
We have spent lots of learnig about Sikhism this week. The children have been fascinated to find out different aspects of this religion, including key beliefs and symbolism. We have had in-depth discussions about Sikh beliefs, comparisons to Christianity and about religion in general. As always, we applied our British Values to our learning and continued to consider the great need for Mutual Respect and Tolerance among all faiths of the world. The children have approached this learning with enthusiasm and maturity.