Year 6 Blog-Friday 31st January
Date: 3rd Jan 2025 @ 7:04am
Looking ahead...
Next week sees the start of Children's Mental Health Week. The theme for 2025 is 'KNOW YOURSELF, GROW YOURSELF'. We will be thinking about our emotions and about what makes us feel happy, sad etc. Each class will be focusing on this theme and will be completing various related activities.
We've had a busy and wonderful week of work in Year 6. Take a look below for a summary and homework.
This week the children completed a full set of SATs assessments. As promised, these assessments are available to go home, for your understanding. Please do not feel you have to do anything other than praise and support your child; they should be able to talk you through their paper. These assessments provide valuable insight to direct our learning and I am very proud of how the children conducted themselves. We will complete one other set of assessments before Easter.
There are three stories occurring in Holes and this week we identified the 'story mountain' of each of these tales. This reminds us how to structure a story. The children then chose one of the themes and used that as a basis to innovate their own narratives.
Time for some practical maths this week, as we looked at a number of different measurements. We have a new display in class to support our understanding of different measurements.
Geography-Buckshaw walk
The weather allowed us to complete our Buckshaw walk! We made some key observations and also practised our map-reading skills. We have plenty of data which we can process back in the classroom.
Spelling Frame and TTRS Champions
We have a new subscription to SATs Bootcamp. This is an online platform that the children can access at home and at school. All children have had a go at accessing this and I have asked that they have a play around to make sure they are comfortable navigating it. From next week, homework will be set via this platform. However, the children are encouraged to access it as often as they like (as with Spelling Frame and TTRS), there are plenty of maths, grammar, spelling and reading skills for them to practise.
Reading -Thank you to all children who have handed their books in by Thursday, this is valuable practise in preparation for the SATS reading paper.
This week they need to complete Set C Test 4
Spellings -From today (Friday 31st), we are re-capping the 'shun' sound (spelt -tion, -sion, -cian). Please see below for a selection of spellings and children can access their latest test on Spelling Frame.
Maths: Complete the worksheet about finding the percentage of a number. There is an additional worksheet attached to this blog.