Year 6 Friday Blog-18th October
Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 2:05pm
Dear parents,
Welcome to the Year 6 Friday blog.
Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings and times tables and lots more.
Reading -Thank you to all children who have handed their books in by Thursday. Unfortunately, there are still a few who are not handing their books in on time. Please remind your child to complete their comprehension task and bring it to school by Thursday morning at the latest.
This week they need to complete Set A Task 5.
Spellings -From today (Friday 18th October), we will look at our new spelling rule: homophones. As requested by parents, we have spent time writing sentences which incorporate these spellings. Please see below for a selection of spellings and children can access their latest test on Spelling Frame. The test for this spelling rule will be the first Thursday after half-term. The children are being tested on their ability to apply the rule and so practising lots of different spellings is beneficial; they will be asked to spell ten words from this list.
Please also find below a link to the 'shun' spelling and when to use it-it is useful for the class to keep reviewing this spelling rule as it is so common.
Maths: After half-term we will continue our work with Properties of Number. Part of this learning is divisbility rules. Therefore, the children should begin to learn their divisibility rules. An example is that a whole-number (integer) is divisible by 10 if there is a 0 in the ones column. Children should also access TTRS throughout the week so that they are achieveing automacity in their tables knowledge. The divisibilty document will be sent home and there is a copy attached.
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Our learning this week in Year 6
This week we watched the beautiful animation by Aidan Gibbons, titled 'The Piano.' This is an emotive piece about an older man reminiscing about his life. Using this stimulus, together with our prior learning about writing flashbacks, we created a narrative where the older man looks back on his life.
This week we have looked the properties of numbers. This has included looking at factors and multiples as well as investigating divisbility rules. Please spend time this half-term testing out the divisbility rules we have looked at so far (2s, 5s, 10s and 3s) as this will embed them.
We have completed our two PE units for this half-term. We have filmed and evaluated our 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside' dances and we have enjoyed becoming more competitive in our hockey games of quicksticks. We all have different starting points in sports (as some of us may participate in them out of school) however, our class motto is to make progress from your own personal starting point. Well done to all children for showing resilience and progress through both of these sports.