Year 2: Gallery

Year 2- RE, by Mrs Smith

Year 2 -The Infant Party, by Mrs Smith

RE- Incarnation, by Mrs Smith

Year 2 Science, by Mrs Smith

Year 2- History, by Mrs Smith

Year 2- Computing, by Mrs Smith

Year 2- gymnastics fun, by Mrs Smith

Year 2 - Wellbeing Week, by Mrs Smith

Week 5 in Year 2, by Mrs Smith

Week Four in Year 2, by Mrs Smith

Our first week in Year 2, by Mrs Smith

Music taster with Mr Crane!, by Mrs Obertelli

Year 2 Clitheroe Castle, by Mrs Obertelli

Self portraits, by Mrs Obertelli

Visit from the Police, by Mrs Obertelli

Year 2 Church Visit, by Mrs Obertelli