Year 6 Friday Blog 21st June

Date: 19th Jun 2024 @ 4:57pm

Dear parents,

Welcome back to the Year 6 Friday blog!

Thank you for your support with our new weekly blogs. It has been fantastic to hear the children talking about them in school this week. Every Friday the blog will be shared with the class to recap our learning and make them aware of their homework. Moving to online homework has allowed us to become a more eco friendly school.   Throughout the week we will be learning about the spelling rule in preparation for the quiz on Thursday. Spelling frame or your homework book can be used for practise along with the spelling strategies shared on the blog below. Please ask if your child requires a reminder of their log in details for Spelling Frame or TT Rock Stars.

Each week you will find out what we have been doing in class, weekly spellings / times tables and lots more. 


Children will take a lugguage tag home with them this week.  Please fill it in and add to lugguage.  You have had the kit list by email and another copy is attached to the blog.  The weather looks good so please consider packing suncream, if you feel it is necessary for your child.

Mobile phones-no mobile phones are allowed at Robinwood (according to their policy).  Myself, Mrs Yarker and Mrs Platt will carry our mobile phones.  If you have any queries while we are away, you are to call school and then can liaise with us.

Snacks-please do not send the children with too many snacks; the food at Robinwood is lovely and plentiful.  The children are also given plenty of snacks.  Please note that Robinwood is a NUT-FREE site.

Medical-we will take what we have in class unless you bring inhalers etc in separately.  Any additional medication will require a form to be completed-please complete this at the front desk on Monday morning.

On Monday:  normal arrival at school, bring all lugguage into class.  We will depart at 11am-please feel free to wave us off, but there is absolutely no pressure!

Wednesday:  we are departing Robinwood at 2pm and expect to be back to school by 3.30pm.

CONTACT:  In case of emergency, please ensure your mobile phones are set to alert you throughout the day and night.  If you need to get in touch at all, please phone school and they will get a message to us.  From 4.30pm onwards, please call Robinwood call centre 01706 814554 .


Please bring all costumes to school in a named plastic bag no later than Friday 28th June.  Please see the costume letter.  Many thanks for your support with keeping these costumes as simple and enivronmentally-friendly as possible!


Once again, the children have worked hard to produce some very impressive pieces of homework based upon a person with deep Christian Faith.  Examples have included Jürgen Klopp, Bear Grylls and Nelson Mandela.  A huge well done to all the children for working hard on this!

We now have two pieces of homework left, please refer to the homework document to remind yourselves of what is due next-I know that some of you have chosen to complete them all already-super work! You will find the homework document below.

SPECIAL REQUEST:  Thank you for all of the adorable 'first day of school' pictures.  If you haven't had chance yet, please do email a copy to:[email protected] 

Reading - Reading is one of the most important skills for children to master as it unlocks their imagination and allows them to access the rest of the curriculum. Please ensure your child is still reading every night.  Our libary day is Monday, when the class are given the opportunity to change their books.  We also have plenty of books from our class library to choose from.

Spellings - There will be no spellings this week as we are going to Robinwood.



Times table / Division facts - Although SATS are now distant memory, it is still vitally important we stay sharp on our timestables knowledge.  Please ensure you are logging into TTRS to practise.  This should be at least 3 times per week and I will log in to check.  

ttrs logo.jpg

I will be keeping track of all children logging into both Spelling Frame and TT Rockstars. I recommend 10 minutes on both, as many nights as possible. 

Our learning this week in Year 6


This week we have read the picture book The River and also Valerie Bloom's poem, also titled 'The River.'  We have used the language and structure from these two pieces as a basis for our own poem.  Our poems are going to be developed into a picture book which is suitable for a 5 year old.  We have been upsklling ourselves on PowerPoint in Computing and will use this as a basis for writing up our picture books.  It will be lovely to share them with younger children once they are ready.

Maths-exciting news about our Derian House Project

What a maginificent sale we had last Friday!  Through their own enterprising, Year 6 proudly made £175-this meant they could pay back the £50 investment together with £125 profit, which has become a charitable donation toward Derian House.  We have also continued to keep our arithmetic skills sharp this week.


In RE we have studied Romans 12 which teaches us how to live out our faith.  This is connection with our topic about 'People of Faith.'  We have conisdered and discussed all the ways Romans 12 teaches us how to live, including 'shining' in our talents and accepting that we are different, yet all equal to one another.

We also had a fantastic trip to Leyland Trucks!  Jacob Be's mum kindly gave us a tour of the production line.  It was truly fascinating to see all of the small compoenents which go into building a truck-to see it in real life was very special!  Sending a huge thank you to Leyland Trucks, especially Mrs Benabda, for having us!  Please see the blog for some great photos.

News and announcements


  • Please check the costume letter for Shakespeare Rocks-we have ironed out a lot of the parts this week and so your child should be able to tell you what their costume requirements are.  If not, encourage them to ask again and I will check.  Some of the children have already clarified if they are a 'boy' or a 'girl.
  • It has been brought to our attention that some of the whatsapp Year 6 group chats have become a little unfriendly.  We have discussed digital detoxes, kindness and online safety once again at school.  Please continue to monitor your child's phone activity.  We are mindful that this can be an exciting but unsettling time of year as the children face lots of change-we are committed to making it as wonderful and as positive as possible.  Please continue to monitor your child's phone activity. 

Have a look at our gallery to see what we have been doing on our enterprise project this week.


Have a fantastic weekend!

The Year 6 team

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