Year 6 Friday Blog

Date: 4th Sep 2024 @ 6:57am

Dear parents,


I hope you've all had a lovely a restful summer!

We have had a lovely first week back this September, beginning our exciting journey in Year 6!  The class have settled in extremely well and we have made a start on our Autumn 1 curriculum.

Thank you for your support with our new weekly blogs. It has been fantastic to hear the children talking about them in school this week. Every Friday the blog will be shared with the class to recap our learning and make them aware of their homework. Moving to online homework has allowed us to become a more eco friendly school.   Throughout the week we will be learning about the spelling rule in preparation for the quiz on Thursday. Spelling frame or your homework book can be used for practise along with the spelling strategies shared on the blog below. Please ask if your child requires a reminder of their log in details for Spelling Frame or TT Rock Stars.



Calling all 
'Agents of Change!'
We are very excited to be introducing Courageous Advocacy into our curriculum from September. This supports the ethos and values of our School and the work we already do in learning about people from different backgrounds and environments. However, it is not just about fundraising but projects that can effect change. 
What Is Courageous Advocacy?
The act of speaking out against an issue of injustice, often on behalf of someone who cannot be heard.
Must be informed about an issue and move beyond knowing to saying and doing.
It takes courage!


As we know, reading is a crucial part of our curriculum and has a multitude of benefits, especially for our mental wellbeing.  We are keen to promote a love of reading and the children have already received their first guided reading book.  For guided reading this half-term, we enjoy a novel and our 'book-club' sessions.  The children are aware that they are expected to read significantly and they have set themselves reading targets, which can be found in their Reading Records.  Please sign their Reading Records at least weekly.


Please find below our spellings overview for Year 6, which includes example spellings.  We have a spellings lesson every day and our test in on Thursday.  The children will peer mark their tests (under supervision) and have the opportunitiy to practise their corrections.  They will bring home their Spelling Journals, which have their spellings and provide practise pages to help embed them.  Please find below an overview of our spellings.


I have spoken to the children about the expectation that they continue to practise their times tables and number bonds.  These maths basics form the foundations of most maths lessons and confidence in these areas will have a positive impact upon their learning.

Other learning this week:

We have made a great start to our Autumn term curriculum.  A stand-out theme this week has been the questions we have asked about our different topics, e.g., 'are we born with a set amount of blood?'  We are looking forward to seeking out the answers!

Dates to remember:

Spelling and times table tests are each Thursday.

Girls football team fixture (letters have been given):  Wednesday 11th September.

Harvest Worship:  Thursday 12th September.  Please bring a donation for our local foodbank.

Crucial Crew visit:  Tuesday 17th September.  Thank you for returning your reply slips promptly.

Meet the teacher :  Wednesday 25th September at 9am.

Trip to Manchester Jewish Museum and Imperial War Museum:  Monday 30th September (letter to follow)


Have a great weekend!

Mrs MacDonald and the Year 6 team


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